Friday, September 26, 2008


New York was soaked this morning. A man on Broadway snapped up his collar and yanked down his hat, but couldn’t keep the rain off his face.

“It’s uncomfortable,” he said, “but that’s not always a bad thing. I think being a little bit uncomfortable – with not making the postseason – is going to be good for the Yankees.

“We had a great run,” the man continued. “I’m proud of what the team has accomplished over the years. I’m proud of what they’ve done this year, too. We didn’t have enough to get to the playoffs, but there are still three games left and we can get to 90 wins. That ain’t bad.”

The man stopped and wiped the rain from his face.

“No one stays on top forever,” he said. “And that’s not just a way to explain what happened this year. It’s a warning for next year to every team in front of us.”


Ron W. said...

I agree that this is a wake up call for the team. They will be aggressive in remaking a winner here.

Henry said...

Sometimes you have to go down to go up. I hope that is what is happening.

JoeyBoy said...

This is going to be a busy, busy, busy offseason.

Ron W. said...

I am sure the Yanks will field a strong team next year. It will be interesting to see how they do it (free agency, trades, etc.)